Saturday, August 18, 2012

God of YOLO

This is a screen print of my neighbors dog wearing my favorite fruit hat. Everyone should own a fruit hat. If you wake up feeling lackluster, just pop on your fruit hat and everything will get better.  Everyone loves fruit! Strangers will walk by and ask to eat your fruit. Your future soul mate could be just around the corner with a hankering for some grapes! See that homeless man on the corner? Toss him some fruit from your fruit hat! Need some potassium on the go? Well lucky you, you are wearing your fruit hat! Grab a banana! See that man robbing the bank? Throw apples at him from your fruit hat. It's really that simple.

Everyone loves fruit hats and everyone loves dogs. I also saw a movie that suggested that all dogs go to heaven. Therefore, It is only natural that I have decided that this is the God of my YOLO religion. Say your prayers to this guy.

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