Saturday, August 11, 2012

Uses For Almost Fully Digested Corn on the Cob

Have you ever spent a ridiculously long time on something, only to delete it once it is completed? Well I have! YARGGGGGGUHHHH! (sound of anger coming out of my mouth. also sound of a suicidal pirate) Here is my second attempt:

I know very little about the art market. 

If I could sum up what I have learned about the art market so far, it would be this:

It is so silly!!!

and if I could express what I know an acronym: 


Sooo, in an effort to better understand the art market, I checked out "I sold Andy Warhol. (too soon) from the library.

Apparently the value of a Warhol has increased significantly in the past few years. If you sold a Warhol a few years ago, you were paid in poop, but in todays market you are paid in a plethora of gold poop.

I just don't get it.

If works of art were people the world would be one confusing place.

Here is my terrible (non poop related) metaphor of the day:

Everyone knows that Megan Fox is one hot betch. Twenty years from now people will NOT look at pictures of her and think "What was I thinking? Megan Fox was absolutely repulsive in her prime!"

....Buuut with art perceived attractiveness changes day today based on what everyone thinks of you.

The art market cements my sad theory about society: We are all just middle schoolers in adult bodies trying to survive in the lunchroom that is life. 

If the popular girl Karli decides to wear twenty silly bands on each wrist you must buy silly bands and wear them on both wrists too. At any cost!

If Karli decides to throw down $752 million on a Warhol painting, it must really be worth that much.  And if you don't own a Warhol, go out and get one. At any cost!

This is why when people ask me "why don't you intern in a gallery?" I usually respond by vomiting last nights corn on the cob on their feet.

I graduated from middle school ages ago thanks!

Maybe this book will change me.

Maybe (probably), I don't like it because I just don't get it.

Maybe one day I will spend my millions on a Warhol. 

Right Now,

I'd rather spend it on corn on the cob. 

PS. Googleblogger is telling me that the Russians have discovered my blog. To which i say: Greetings! Our corn crop is not doing so well either, but I am glad we can both enjoy corn on the cob from time to time!

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