Monday, August 20, 2012

Beneath the Tutu

This is an abstract depiction of a ballerina with body odor. It was designed to remind ballerinas to wear deodorant.

An owner of a ballet shop approached me to do this painting. She noticed a consistent foul smell lingering in her small studio and wanted to tell her ballerinas that they smelled bad in a subtle and non threatening way. Ballerinas are delicate creatures and she didn't think telling them " Hey you smell repulsive" would end well.

This whole experience changed my perspective on ballet. Beneath the tutu and majestic dancing, there is just a stinky person who needs to wear deodorant. I also learned that ballerinas are highly at risk for forgetting to wear deodorant. Since ballet is not always seen as a sport, it's easy to forget that one is going to sweat.

After hanging the painting in her studio, the smell did not get any better. The owner then realized that she was the root of the problem. She was so caught up in other people's body odor, she forgot about her own. I suggested she try Certain Dry prescription strength anti-perspirant. She tried it and said there was less of a smell, but it was still there.

I then asked her how often she bathed. She told me that she didn't bathe for religious reasons. Many aspects of basic hygiene are forbidden in her religion, which explains why she was toothless. I suggested she try Christianity because it encourages bathing.

She read a few bible passages and decided to convert. She particularily identified with Jesus because he could walk on water. In fact, she had almost drowned two years ago attempting to do so.

I actually think she is going to church just to figure out how to walk on water. I don't think this is the right reason to go to church, but she is now taking daily baths so I won't knock it.

 She still keeps the painting in her studio as a reminder to herself to practice basic hygiene.

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