Friday, August 10, 2012

Excitement About Excrement

Today I am going to talk about poop. Poop has always been a passion of mine. In fact, I poop everyday. Sometimes even twice a day.

Poop has helped me grasp the concept of life and death: we all come out of the same hole and we all eventually get flushed.

Poop is also a central theme in my art as seen here in my two panel painting "Birds Pooping on a Power Line". Here three birds balance delicately on a power line in various stages of bowel movement ultimately sharing the same goal: to poop.

The bird on the far right creates an element of mystery. Is he constipated? Is he there for moral support? Has he already pooped on another power line today? Or does he just like to watch other birds poop?

The gigantic poop on the far left is representative of the negative feelings of lower class Americans if Romney is elected president. I hope this painting works its way into the Obama campaign and I can send him our breaststroking on the Nile pics from last weekend (if you are not aware of this endeavor you did not read yesterdays post).

The bird in the middle has four singular poops streaming from his backside. These represent the four nobel truths of the Buddhist tradition. I have explained each truth in the original sanskrit within each poop.

There too many hidden meanings within this painting to share within a single blog entry. I will sum it up by saying "Birds Pooping on a Power Line" represents a utopian society where we can all sit on the same power line while we poop regardless of how we are pooping....basically world peace. Yes, this painting represents world peace.

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