Friday, September 28, 2012

So You're Telling Me There's a Chance....

Yes, I am the artus of the above picture. Seven years young. 

 In 1995 I wanted to be a gymnast. In 1995 I was unaware that I would grow up to have the coordination of a blind cow on a slip n slide. However,  I have already fulfilled my alempike champin dreams based on my proximity to the pool Michael Phelps used to train.  I once dangled my foot in the water in this pool, so I pretty much think of Michael's success as my own success.

The famess artus part is a work in progress. No one told me this in 1995, but most artusts aren't famess until they are dead.  My semi-annual visits to Patient First tell me that I am not invincible and I have a pretty good chance of dying. 

Therefore, there is a small chance I will fulfill this dream as well. 

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