Friday, September 14, 2012

While I Was Studying

As I have mentioned before, my beloved MacBook is beyond its golden years. Death is approaching. As she (since my computer is an extension of myself, we will say it is a woman) approaches her resting place, I like to reminisce about all the good times we had together.

We spent four quality years together in college. She was with me in that nook of the library as I funneled coffee and fell asleep on her keyboard. She was there through breakups and breakthroughs. She guided my hands across her keyboards to express facebook statuses to the world and to vent my private frustrations on Word documents.

She almost died in Europe that time I accidently sent her down the wrong security lane  at the airport....and that time I brought her into studio while I was oil painting....and that time I stepped on her...and that time with the coffee..and....well..nevermind...

She saw me at my worst. She saw me when I was supposed to be studying in the wee hours of the night. I would often sneak onto photo booth look her in the eyes and make a funny face. They were often taken during all nighters just as the sun was rising and I usually look like a sleep deprived robot version of Harry from Dumb and Dumber.

I'm sure anyone who went to college with a MacBook has a ton of these type of pictures. Probably (hopefully) less disturbing than mine. I think it would be hilarious to compile a book of all of these photos. People could submit pictures from their college years and there could be representatives from different colleges. If you have some you should let go of your foolish pride and send me a few.

The book could be called While I Was Studying.. or  The Academic Achiever... something like that. Here would be my submission as a representative of Towson (In college I was a proud Anti Kissy Face activist, but I think this secret collection of photos says otherwise):

Looking back, I could also have a series titled Glamor Shots and The Post Bar Experience, but I will save those for another day.

Yes these pictures are a glimpse of insanity; a sad attempt to amuse myself in the wee hours of the night. I am not smiling or sucking in my stomach. These pictures are the real deal. Hundreds of years from now historians will look at pictures like this as a reflection of society in 2012. 

You don't get this with regular cameras. When you are on the brink of exhaustion you don't  think to whip out your camera and take pictures of yourself. Photobooth, however,  is the ultimate laziness. You simply click on the icon at the bottom of the screen and there it is. Hence this wonderful series of pictures. 

When people tell you you need an expensive camera to be a photographer, tell them they are wrong. All you need is an expensive computer.

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