Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Something I Wish I Invented But Did Not

I have to be honest here. I have never been good at coloring books. I color so violently that the crayons always break. When I announce my frustration "!@#*ing crayons. THESE CRAYONS ARE WEAK!!!! " my point is always lost because  I pronounce crayon the wrong way. I say crown. I have always said crown. Apparently vocal chords are too lazy for Cray-ons. 

It is a painful process, but once I get started I become lost in a coloring book time warp. It is a spiritual journey. This is a period of reevaluation and enlightenment. In the end of my mind is liberated and I have formed a new self identity. 

This is my most recent coloring book endeavor. Whilst coloring I discovered my true self: A monarch butterfly. I had been living life in a cocoon and this coloring page was the inspiration I needed to break free. I only broke one crown. It was on my tooth:

I am usually baby sitting when I color, so my subject matter is limited. Clearly my exceptional intellectual ability and spiritual maturity has surpassed the traditional coloring book. This is why I was overjoyed  to discover Coloring For Grownups! I wish I had invented this, but sadly I did not. Here are a few of my favorite. There are many more on the above website to occupy your free time: 

Hipster or Homeless?Use magic markers to make the man on the right invisible to society!THINGS YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW:
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