Monday, September 17, 2012

Baltimornings, GrandTheft Auto, A Jackhammer

View from my window. 
I love mid September. I love that you don't need your don't need your heat or your air conditioning;  just a good fleece, a good book, and a warm cup of coffee. The chartreuse leaves float from the trees and tango with buildings. They are a perfect contrast to a crisp blue sky that hasn't been informed that fall is on its way. 

I almost feel like I am in a Nicolas Sparks novel. Only if I were in a Nicolas Sparks novel, I would not wake up to a jackhammer outside my window.

I want to tap the jackhammer operator on his shoulder and tell him that I want my life to be a Nicolas Sparks novel and he will have to stay outside of my radius. 

Also, I am super sleepy, I just worked a midnight shift, and I think he should come back in an hour. 

Now he is throwing cement into a metal truck at varying intervals to make sure I am awake.

I am awake! You can go home now!

Now I hear yelling. I guess the neighbor is telling them she is super sleepy? Perhaps another domestic dispute? But what idiot would have a domestic dispute with jackhammers going off all around? I feel like people that have domestic disputes on the streets would coordinate with construction. There is probably a signup sheet for loud noises to wake people at the crack of dawn. It is probably full. 

Is it bad that I assumed it wasn't a construction worker because it was a woman's voice? There aren't many women construction workers. And if you are a woman construction worker I think that is great. Also I just looked outside: all men workers. Leaf me alone (fall joke. Also the result of sleep deprivation)

I also found out that a majority of my views for this blog are from a youtube video. It is called " Grand Theft Auto 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony DLC Walkthrough Gameplay Part 12 - Never Shuts Up"

Somehow this gamer spammed viewers onto my blog. I don't really understand how this works, but I guess there are robots reading my blog and no actual humans.

At this point, I am just going to have to do this for myself. Some people do crossword puzzles to keep their brains sharp, some people blog about jackhammers and grand theft auto. 

Happy Monday, robots! 

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