Thursday, September 6, 2012

Days That Start with T

I have decided that days that start with "t" are sacred. Therefore, I will be writing on days that begin with M, W, and F. Three of my favorite letters.

Not blogging on "t" days will also give me more time to practice karate and create art. All about balance here. When you feel imbalanced you make adjustments. If your broccoli diet isn't working out, for instance, try adding some celery to your diet. You can't survive on broccoli alone. When you think you are blogging too much, try mixing it up. Go out and chop some wood with your hands or do some coloring books.

And no this is not because I have ran out of material. I have plenty of space left in my brain. Please refer to the white abyss in my brain model. Plenty of room:

The microscopic community has plenty of room to colonize the white abyss, but they choose not to. Since this picture was taken they have chosen to colonize common sense, proper grammar (please note how the last sentence ended in a preposition), how to walk, and social skills.

SIDE NOTE: while updating this blog my computer flirted with death. I thought it was the end. I was innocently typing away and the screen gradually faded to white. Once it was almost as white as this page, it snapped to black with lines crossing the screen like the TV in "The Ring".

I felt like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. I was witnessing a gradual descent to an unknown destination.

The destination I feared was death.

This is cruel way to kill a computer. Quick and painless is the way to go out! Just turn the screen to black. I really wasn't feeling the gradual fade. Did an Apple designer create the death of a Mac computer? If so, this designer is a sick man and I hope he steps in a rabbit hole and twists his ankle.

Luckily, I unplugged it, and turned it back on. Good as new.

I have a feeling my computer is going to die soon though. I can only hope the death can be fixed with duct tape. When you are poor, this is how you fix things.

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