Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I've Missed You

Dear blog readers,

I know it's been over a month since we last saw each other, but I just needed some space. I took some time to think about 'us' and I realized I was incomplete without you. I hope you will forgive me. I hope you will keep reading.

Deepest apologies,

So while I was away, I tried to keep busy:

Halloween came and went. I know it's healthy to eat salad, but I think it is healthier to be a salad. Here I am with my friend, bacon. I designed both of the dresses and people just ate them up including my boyfriend who was dressed as a fork (not what it sounds like):

I painted a picture of a giraffe licking a lollipop:

I watched my roommate created a sculpture of dirty dishes in the sink:

I made and sold paintings of a bird pooping:

I published an article in whatweekly (click to see it!)

I painted a tree for my cousin. Each panel is a season:

I almost accepted a job as a 'sign artist' at a hardware store, but quickly realized they were just looking for a fast scribbler. I submitted a few pieces to TROVH on the avenue. They politely rejected my artwork by saying that they were not the right fit for me. I don't think they appreciated my bird poop art too much. I rang up thousands of groceries and put lots of soup varieties on the shelf, I  ate many a spaghetti squash, I sat on some babies, I saw an obese ghost in my room, I had a dream I was in a car crash and the car was a pumpkin.... 

I did a lot of things, but I have not forgotten about you. 

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