Monday, August 6, 2012

Squids and Thanks

This is a sloppycopy of a logo at the request of a friend, JT. Apparently JT's friend dreams of giant squids attacking him in his sleep and will unconsciously fight the squid . This puts my dreams of facial tattoos and chasing kittens on skyscrapers to shame. After hearing this story, I think we all need to work on stepping our dreams up a bit

 I had a lot of fun with it, but my biggest challenge was making sure the squid didn't look like a penis.  I am sure if someone walked by my google image search of squids, they would have thought less of me. If you are going to do an image search of squids, I recommend doing it alone. I avoided a phallic squid by choosing blue color as opposed to a pinky skin tone. If my only goal today was to not make the squid look like a penis, I had a pretty successful day.

This is the card I am using to thank my aunt and uncle for driving me down to the beach last week. This picture was taken during a particularly free spirited time in my life when I decided to throw feathers all over my apartment to announce my return from the bar at 2 am. In the morning, I decided to make thank you cards proclaiming that Jim Beam inspires great art.

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