Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Photos Your Mom Will Like

When referring to paintings your mom may like, I mean this in the best way possible. I think your mom has great taste. 

....and when talking about blending with the furniture I meant this in the best way possible as well. Everyone can appreciate paintings that coordinate with throw pillows!

The following is also a painting I think your mom would like, only it is not a painting. It is actually a picture. If your mom would like me to make it into a painting please give her my contact info:

The above is another example of how photoshop can make you happy when you are elderly. Not only can you create memories that never happened, but you can enhance the ones that did.

You can do this with your face too. It's great. With the right blending techniques I can make myself look like Queen Latifah.

Below is the original image:

Some would argue that the original is better than the enhanced version, but I am part of a generation that enjoys BRIGHT COLORS and things that go POP and POW. Plus the sky is white in the original and that is sooooooooo 1986. Gross.

This is actually part of a series I did. There are about ten images total and they are all *SUPER BRIGHT AND FUN!!!* (I was going for a cheerful with the capital letters, but I might be coming across as a drill sargent. yes? )

And they are all taken Florence Italy on a itty bitty Canon Powershot.  I would elaborate on my experience/camera there, but I feel like I am going to run out of creative juices at some point so I will be  saving those stories for a rainy day (rain=metaphor for creative rut. deep. i am just so deep.)

Here is another super bright and fun picture -----@ (lower case letters do not have the same effect. hence the thornless rose. It adds flair):

annnnnnd the original:

Looking at the pictures there are a few things I would change, but explaining them would be like pointing out a huge zit on my forehead that you hadn't previously noticed. 

Regardless, I think your mom would like them.

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