Thursday, April 4, 2013

Beaches and Bathtubs

I was recently commissioned to paint a serene beach scene. Since the Inner Harbor is the closest body of water to me and does not always inspire serenity, I naturally turned to my bathtub for inspiration.

I blasted The Beach Boys, filled my tub with sand, made some ocean waves in my bath water, and prayed to Brian Wilson for some good ideas. Brian Wilson told me to try Pinterest, so I did. 

After two hours of looking at this:
And stuff like this:
...I had to go to work, the land of grocery and fluorescent lighting. Whilst putting milk on the shelf from a refrigerator in the back and mooing at young children passing by, I thought about the beautiful pictures I had been exposed to earlier in the day.
I then decided it was my life's dream to live on a beach. I am not sure how I will get there, but I will. Until then I will be mooing at young children and making waves in my bathtub.
Also, I will also be painting. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Shit

So I have a new site! It's . I originally did this to promote this Superbowl illustration. Please excuse the obnoxious watermark (I am told putting this in a public forum without a watermark is not a good idea):

Saturday, January 19, 2013

National Be A Self Righteous Asshole To Smokers Week

Greetings! Sorry i've been away. I have been spending my recent days job hunting, which is kind of like fishing in the desert only you don't catch as many fish. I am trying to find a job that will not trample on my soul, but will support my addiction to things like food and water. My current job only supports my water addiction because water is free.

I write today in honor of national "Be A Self-righteous Asshole To Smokers" week. The purpose of this week is not to get smokers to quit, but to feel superior for being a non-smoker.  I have even designed some cards to hand out to smokers: